2) I'm afraid of insects in every lil ways. They might crawl into your ears and make you deaf. They might fly into your nostrils or bite you. Especially insects with wings. THEY ARE CREEPY.
3) I discovered that I have Acrophobia when I was 14. I am extremely afraid of heights and broke down while abseiling during a camp.
4) I have an inferiority complex because of my height. Some dude asked me to watch him jerk off and we exchanged a few insults, me saying that girls from his country are pretentious bitches who went for so many plastic surgeries cos' they are cheap and fugly and would watch him cum. He in return, said that I'm a midget standing at 5'3 short and I can never get plastic surgery to make me grow taller. FML. He's right. You can get plastic surgery for your features, your ass, boobs, gums but not height.
5) Believe it or not, girls are cunning creatures no matter how kind they looked. Trust me on this ;)
6) I'm sensitive to voices and smells. I can recognize singers's singing voices and describe a smell. I get really disturbed when I smell something unpleasant (leather, burnt plastic smell, chemical lemon laundry smell etc)
7) I'm agnostic. I get really irritated when someone (religious/ holy freaks) attribute every fucking things to god. Like 'oh god made me fall cos' I was bad.' 'Thanks god for making the weather clear today so I can hang my laundry' 'Today is Friday, so no meat, just fish for lunch.' 'I live for Jesus.'
They are just fucking irresponsible fucktards who push everything to god. To be honest, they don't love god. They just couldn't find a reason for shitty things that happened to them and attribute it to god. Easy, isn't it. Besides there are soooo many religions in the world, so does that mean that all the gods exist? If they really do, who is the god among all gods? If god created EVERYTHING, then who created god? You get what I mean?
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