Tuesday, February 9, 2010

이태원 살인사건 review

Thumbs up :

- 장근석's acting skills were too fab for comprehension. The usual bad boy/I-can't-be-bothered attitude is damn hot!

- His english skills were surprisingly fluent. So fluent that it made me googled to check if he have ever lived in the states before.
One thing which I like alot is that he spoke in english throughout the whole movie until the last few minutes. Wish his korean aint that fluent thou so that he can be more convincing acting as an american.

- The tension of finding the truth and the motive of killing is another thing to look out for. I remember feeling a lil frustrated while waiting for the truth to be out so I googled again who is the killer. In case you dont know, this incident is an actual event that happened in Feb 1997. This means that Alex Turner Jung, Arthur Patterson is around 30 years old now.
In real life, Alex Jung was charged with murder and Arthur Patterson charged for holding down the victim.

- I like sadistic movies just like this one. 'The Chaser' is another awesome movie. kinda sick thou..

Thumbs down:

- I kinda dislike how they focus everything on Arthur Patterson even thou it can be a total new refreshing perspective for the viewers.

- I can't believe that in real life, these 2 murderers were released after less than 1.5 years of imprisionment. Scary thing is, they kill for fun. How could they kill for fun?? I have heard of murderers killing for money, insurance, love, hatred, jealously, fame, satisfy their craving for killing but never for fun.
It sound so crazy yea. They ain't even high on crack or any drugs.
They just decided to do 'something cool' and next thing we know is that an innocent life is taken away to sastify their sudden instinctual need to have fun.

I would have sentence them both to death.
How could someone be so inhumane to kill their own species for fun??

Made me kinda scared, anyone could just whip out a knife and stab me just for fun.

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