Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Inspirational role model : Constance Briscoe

Constance Briscoe : "When they are old enough, they should have it. Well if they have a complex about themselves, and it's eating away their lives or preventing them moving forward, then when they are old enough, they should have it, if it makes them feel better about themselves. "
Interviewer : "So what were your own issues that led you to plastic surgery?"
Constance Briscoe : "Issue of ugliness. Which I thought could be resolved by having surgery."
Interviewer : "But you only thought you were ugly cos' your mother told you. "
Constance Briscoe : "Well that might have been a bit of both actually.
It might been because I was ugly and because my mother told me and because I had money to sort it out, so.. both."

People like her who have been through shit but yet managed to survive and define her own success GMH.
I totally agree on her views on cosmestic surgery.
If you need it to boost your ego and give you confidence , go ahead with it.
One thing which I really admire about Constance Briscoe is her ability to seek strength from her misery and sufferings. She is so in touch with reality and she spoke in a matter of factly tone as though she's used to it, resigned to the cruelty that life has offered her and has never once pitied herself.

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